
New Title: The Snatchback is now HARD TARGET

Last week my lovely editor asked if I was up for considering a new title for THE SNATCHBACK. I said yes, absolutely! It's always exciting when a publisher is actively working to position your book more favorably in today's market. 

We started working from one word titles and batted a couple of ideas back and forth via email. She came up with the word Target and I piggybacked onto that with Hard. Thus HARD TARGET was born. I'm thrilled. We'll be using the word TARGET in the rest of the AEGIS book titles…so stay tuned for more on my new "TARGET" series. 

If you've already pre-ordered the book as THE SNATCHBACK, thank you and no worries. Avon changed everything with Amazon so your order should reflect that the book you chose is HARD TARGET. And if you haven't pre-ordered…Well, what are you waiting for? Just click on the red book cover to the left.  


© Kay Thomas 2018